About Of Dedication Music Album

Personally, I enjoy designing and creating things. This has a lot to do with me not making music. I am a professional graphic designer and I can do anything that will broaden my horizons and broaden my vision without hesitation. In 2016, I decided that I could make music. I listened to a lot of music in the style of rock, pop and electronica, but I thought that the music I would create should also teach me about arrangement and mix composition, expand my horizons, expand my talents and give me a vision, and I decided to have Klaus Schulze as my role model.



I have nothing to prove except Love, Drama, Tragedy, Tension, Violence, Dedication and Motivation in Music!

Klaus Schulze is a great Artist, I even distinguish him from my other favorite artists. I think he has a vision that is 500 years ahead of civilization. Kontinuum, Dune, Timewinds, Audentity, Angst and all his albums are his works that impressed me.

I created this album with pure emotions, without any commercial concerns, adopting the style of Klaus Schulze. I prepared the Dedication music album, in which I compiled the work with sometimes improvised, sometimes devotedly written notes, for Klaus Schulzeye and his valuable fans.



I prepared the first track of the album Interrupt with inspiration from Klaus Schulze’s work Mephisto. I created all Sequences sounds with Korg Monopoly (vst). Drum beats, cymbals and percussion were prepared in RIM IV. The harp that comes into play towards the middle is harsher and the pads in the background are warm. Strings join the song with dramatic chords. This song has a cinematic structure in terms of composition. In my song Interrupt, there is no solo lead section like in Schulze’s song Mephisto. I tried adding this, but it wasn’t satisfactory so I published it this way. But at the end of the song, there is a beautiful ending solo with sack pad sound.


When I prepare a song, I always imagine images. In this song, Time Wind and Picture Music album covers were in my mind, and the song Return of the Byeruth was playing in my ears…

All Voices are nostalgic. They represent the Early 70’s. I created the introductory ambience, all sequences, pads and solo parts in Korg Monopolly. I really like this song. It has a serene, gloomy and cinematic atmosphere, so I may prepare a video clip for this song in the future.


It is a song I made inspired by the song Thor (Thunder) from the album Mind Roms Continuum. The name of the song comes from William Gibson’s novel Neuromancer. In the book, the memories of non-living people can be stored in a read-only chip, and a character named Dixie Flatline is one of these mind types. Mind ROms composition is dark, dramatic and sometimes incomprehensible. Like a cyberpunk scene (like a scene from the William Gibson’s neuromancer book)


It is a song inspired by Klaus Suclze’s sound tract album for the movie Angst. That’s why its name is RESCORE. Fairlight CMI SARARR sample sounds and percussion hits are clear. Bass and Drums added strong layered to this song. In the middle section, there are sudden and dramatic transitions representing the movie. I added these sections to represent both the movie and the Silent Survivor song. In the last part, the sequence begins and the song is completed with acoustic string chords instead of SARARR chords. I wrote the drums with RIM IV, they are similar to Cozy Powell’s riffs.


This song is a little out of concept. When I prepared this song in 2019, I was listening to Bohren der Club of Gore at that time. Experiences always interact with emotions and thoughts! There is always interaction.

Thousands of Dollars worth of Synthesizers in one computer…

Yes, making music today is easier than before. If I wanted to realize this dream in the 70s or 80s, it would have cost me a lot. My biggest helpers in this adventure were VSTs.

In the album I prepared, I used a windows computer, Alesis midi keyboard (sometimes kurzweil k2000), sound card, fl studio and VSTs.

Since I was familiar with Korg Monopoly for analog sounds, my choice was mainly Korg Monopoly.

Other VSTs: Onimosphere, Morphvox, RIM IV….

Respectfully greets you, dear Klaus Schulze fans. I end my article by remembering the great master Klaus Schulze


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